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We provide the most accurate wiring drawings available,
for your door hardware projects.

Get in Touch

Experts in electronic door hardware & wiring drawings, for decades

No matter what applications are within your project, we can create a set of RISER & POINT-to-POINT drawings to match. Try our full concierge service today..
(Just submit your files using the form below)

We create wiring drawings for any project type: Schools, Hospitals, Pharma (including airlocks), Multi-Family, etc. Getting this wiring package to the electricians is a very important step of a construction project.

We enjoy working on the specific operation narrative for each application, so we can provide the most appropriate wiring drawings possible. Make sure to include them with your submission.

Exit Devices

Mortise locks

Electric Strikes

Door Openers


Shared Bathrooms

Interested? Get a quote.. Upload files here..

Your drawings were justified to me on the first set! I can’t thank you enough for your help!

Mike D.


Everything worked great. Thank you for your help.

Pat S.

Hardware Supplier

Our Headquarters

Philly Suburbs
Montgomery County, PA
Phone: (267) 642-2443
Email: admin@wiringdrawings.com

We'll do our best to get back to you within 6-8 working hours.